
Function Radio controlled enabling switch
Type RE 6910
Radio controlled enabling switch RE 6910 for BI 6910 with DOLD Wireless Safety System- Performance Level (PL) e and category 4 to EN ISO 13849-1: 2008- Safety Integrity Level (SIL 3) to IEC/EN 61508 Safety radio transmission User friendly, compact enabling switch forradio controlled safety modul BI 6910 programmable for- Command mode with 4 command buttons or- Function mode with max. 10 functions and 2 command buttons each with LCD-display to indicate the function settings,battery charging, transmitting e.g. Indications of the function settings can be uploaded as &bdquo,bitmap&ldquo, Protection against unintentional activation Speed charging and high battery capacity Fast change of frequency Pocket for remote control as option''