
Function Speed or stand-still monitor
Cat. / PL according to EN ISO 13849-1 3/e
SIL CL according to IEC/EN 62061 3
1- / 2-channel 1, 2
Forcibly guided output contacts max. 2 s, 1 o
Nominal voltage AC/DC +
Nominal voltage AC +
Thermal current Ith max. 4 A
Width 45 mm
Type BH 5932
According to- Performance Level (PL) e and category 3 to EN ISO 13849-1: 2008- SIL Claimed Level (SIL CL) 3 to IEC/EN 62061- Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 to IEC/EN 61508 and IEC/EN 61511 For stop category 0 according to EN 418 2-channel input To monitor rotation and linear movement PNP proximity sensor inputs Optionally inputs for NPN proximity sensors Monitoring of connected sensor Fixed setting, adjustable as option Energized when speed is under setting value LED indication Feedback circuit X1 - X2 to monitor external contacts Forcibly guided contacts 2 NO, 1 NC contact Wire connection: also 2 x 1.5 mm2 stranded ferruled (isolated),DIN 46 228-1/-2/-3/-4 or2 x 2.5 mm2 stranded ferruled DIN 46 228-1/-2/-3 Width 45 mm''